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Notes from An Alien Page 9

  The Worlds' Council gave approval for a ten-member team to descend to the planet and set up a base. Delva demanded two seats in the transfer pod.


  Morna was singing a song she'd heard the Aklans singing. The melody was lively and begged one's body to dance. Morna had no body but Delva and Verluin were dancing for her. Morna began to notice a peculiar correlation. They'd been at the base for ten days and the last five had seen the Mother planet, Beli-Pallos, align with the home star, Angi. Delva and Verluin had danced to Morna's singing on each of the ten days but, during the last five, Delva's personal plasma pattern had been changing in sync with the star/planet alignments. She abruptly stopped singing and reported: "Delva, you think you're only dancing with Verluin but my analysis shows that your body's plasma is dancing with Angi and Beli-Pallos."

  Delva clung to Verluin and stared at the sky. Then, she released Verluin and walked to the edge of the shore. She said: "Morna run an analysis of—"

  "I have, Delva, the water-born life form is also dancing in sync with the star and gas giant."

  Delva crouched at the water's edge and scooped some up to her mouth. As she swallowed, she looked back at Verluin and said: "It looks just like I'm under water."

  Morna said: "Confirmed. The life form is consciously aware. But, I marvel at your extremely unscientific behavior."

  Verluin approached his wife as he said: "Morna, it appears that even non-believers can have faith."

  8 ~ Perfection

  Chirzt and Laiy were sitting in one of the new, open-air eateries that were springing up on both Worlds. Chirzt had ordered a bowl of soup and Laiy was getting just a drink. As the server left the table, Chirzt laid a packet of papers down and said:

  "Here are the names and locations. Look at it later."

  "Right. What have you heard from the others?'

  "Rapiul and Gecul are working to locate more sympathizers on Anla and Jerul is working with me here. I told them to make sure the leader types were promised power and the rank and file folks got money. I think we need to be careful to profile them into two main groups, Independents and Dissatisfieds. I'll organize the Independents, you take the Dissatisfieds, right?"

  "Sure. What about a name?"

  "No. We need dedicated people or those we can make dedicated but we don't need any of the normal group identifiers. We have to stay flexible and respond to change. Names just lock people into assumptions."

  "Right. Think we'll eventually establish ourselves on that new World?"

  "Absolutely. It will take time but they seem to be moving pretty fast to clear it for mass settlement."

  "I think they should wipe out that new life form."

  "Really? What if it's on our side?"

  Laiy remained quiet as the server placed they orders on the table. After he'd left he said:

  "I heard it can take over a person's mind."

  "It's all rumor until more people get exposed to it. Time will tell..."

  "So, what about the new Aklan Council of Justice?"

  "Don't think they'll be a problem. It's only for Aklans."

  "But, it seems pretty obvious the structure of the Worlds' government was taken from Aklan beliefs."

  "Yes, and more and more Aklans are weaseling their way into consultation positions but most people don't want a religion ruling the Worlds."

  "They're not weaseling, they're being invited. Plus, the consultation they're offering isn't actually political; but, one thing we really need is someone on the Worlds' Council."

  "I think we should shoot for something even better. Delva's going to announce that she's staying on Angla and turning her duties over to an elected board of mediators."

  "How do you know that?"

  "I have friends you don't know."


  Morna was analyzing Delva's latest communication with the new entity. A thousand more scientists and techs had been dispatched to Angla-Palli and it appeared the life form had one mind distributed over the countless aggregations of molecular strands. It definitely used the planetary plasma to form connections between remote presences and it definitely wanted to communicate.

  Delva was the only person to have ingested a portion of the entity—now named Anglana—but others had experienced a form of communication from mere skin contact. The contact communication was limited to a person's urge to taste the entity. Instructions were firm—do not swallow it.

  Morna's analysis had reached a point where she could give Delva some feedback:

  "Strong probability that you are reaching Anglana with your movements."

  "I'd say it's a certainty, Morna. I do have part of Anglana in my body."

  "Yes, but we've yet to determine if a biological containment of some strands severs certain modes of communication. Your movements may be registering in Anglana's mind through the ambient plasma."

  "I'll leave those speculations to you, Morna. I just want to keep talking with Anglana."

  "Your internals tell me that your conversation is quite similar to your dream activity."

  "Yes, but I'm awake."


  Verluin appeared over the rise of the hill that sloped to the shore with the sea. He was running and shouting something. Morna turned her hearing up and said: "He's gotten word from the Council. You've been approved for permanent residency on this planet."

  Verluin closed the distance, grabbed Delva in his arms and said: "We've been approved for residency!"

  "Morna told me."

  "What a snoop she is!"

  Morna united with them in their laughter.

  Anglana increased the surge of wavelets at the shore and spoke through Delva:

  "Anglana is happy."

  Delva's lower, more liquid tone of voice prompted Verluin to ask: "Was that Anglana talking?"

  "Yes. She can apparently urge me to vocalize what she makes me feel. How marvelous!"

  Verluin felt an urge to approach the water. Delva sensed it and gave him a small nudge in that direction. Morna nearly screamed: "Stop!"

  Verluin crouched and scooped a bit of Anglana into his mouth and swallowed.

  He embraced Delva and said: "Faith, sweet Morna, faith."


  After Verluin had united with Anglana, both of their interactions with the new life-form took on more of the nature of thought transference, though the strong emotional component wasn't lacking. Morna's analysis was constant. Reports to the Worlds' Council was constant. An official statement was being prepared for the Worlds' News Mesh.

  Emigration considerations were postponed until the carefully selected group of people chosen to ingest a portion of Anglana had had time to be studied.

  That is, until their remains could be studied.

  Every person of that group had fallen into a state of complete ecstasy and quickly died.

  Morna thought this was a breakthrough for her analysis. She postulated that enhanced plasma communication ability was a key. She composed reports to the Worlds' Council, detailing the plasma communication abilities of Rednaxela, Velu, Xela, Zena, and Delva plus indications that none of the dead had the ability. She also included a method for determining potential focused plasma communication ability.

  Delva's immunity was a prime consideration for future selection methods. Morna couldn't account for Verluin's immunity.

  He'd told her it was Akla's Will. She set up a separate stream of analysis, incorporated her previous cogitations relating to possible correlations between religion and science, and set an alert if probabilities reached 85%.


  The funeral of those who'd died in ecstasy was broadcast on the Worlds' News Mesh. The Council hoped it would serve as a potent weapon against future settlers' irresponsibility.

  Several months after the funeral, Delva had completed her indoctrination of the elected members of the new Worlds' Mediation Board. The Worlds' Council had insisted she retain her title of Worlds' Mediator and maintain abundant contact with the Board. S
hortly after the announcement of the Board's incorporation, the Council released the Proclamation of Settlement for Angla-Palli.

  There was a list of requirements for emigration that alone could deter those who wanted to be settlers solely from urges for excitement or adventure. Among them was the stipulation that all émigrés be subjected to approval by all existing Local, Regional, and Territorial Councils before the Worlds' Council could approve or deny their acceptance. This assured two things: The people selected would be, as best as was possible, those most suited to establish a population that expressed the many facets of the existing Worlds' culture. And, those desiring inclusion would have to wait at least a year before the approval process had run its course.


  Chirzt and Laiy were meeting with the twenty-six people who had been recruited for their cause. Nineteen were Independents—those who wanted to influence the Worlds' Council toward more liberal attitudes—attitudes that included measures that fostered more control by individuals over the flow of goods and the practice of services. Seven of the recruits were Dissatisfieds—those who could be used to foment various forms of insurrection to support the desires of the Independents.

  One of the Dissatisfieds was a former Aklan. Her name was Haalii. She was an old friend of Verluin's. She had met Delva numerous times. She was prone to vast silences and had what most called a seductive personality. Haalii had, and kept secret, her own agenda for membership in this particular movement.


  Delva was at the shore, communing with Anglana.

  "We want the best for the Worlds."

  "As we do."

  "Those chosen for incorporation with you will be tested."

  "They are already known."

  "The testing is for our society."

  "The testing will include us."

  "I will help."

  "You and Verluin."


  Delva began her dance, externally and internally. Anglana communicated her pleasure. People remote from their celebration felt an urge to taste Anglana. All of them told those nearby, who also had felt the urge. They were getting used to it. They were also taking a drug that would either calm the urges or have no effect. The ones who experienced no effect were tested further.

  Five people were eventually determined to be capable of safely ingesting a portion of Anglana. Further tests were done. Worlds' Council was informed of the cumulative results. Approval was given. Stricter procedures were also communicated to those on Angla-Palli. A special detachment of scientists and physicians was selected to travel with the first group of settlers. They were informally called the Enforcers.

  The first flight of settlers occurred seven years after Verluin had incorporated himself with Anglana. There were 17,421 people on board. One of them was Haalii...


  Delva was pregnant.

  Anglana was, too.

  Delva would give birth to a girl.

  Anglana would give birth to a dream.

  Delva's child would be called Mura.

  Anglana's child would be called Coherency.

  Delva had Morna set up a routine to communicate her thoughts and appraisals directly to Worlds' Council without her previous approval.

  Morna was pregnant.

  She would give birth to another Artificial Intelligence.

  Technicians were set to the task of creating the new AI's body.

  Its name would be Rednaxela.


  It was evening and Verluin and Delva were sitting on the top of a hill, close to Anglana's liquid form. They were communicating with the trees and rocks and dirt. The conversation was almost entirely emotional. Anglana's liquid form would often interpret for Verluin and Delva. Delva spoke:

  "Our child will have a very good friend to grow up with."

  Verluin shifted his position, looked up at the glowing plasma sheath of the Mother planet, Beli-Pallos, and said:

  "Mura will be the most unique Angian ever."

  "She'll have to take second place to you, Verluin, if unique is the criterion."

  Verluin touched Delva's lips then kissed her forehead: "Delva, I know you love me and I know you have solid reasons for not believing in Akla. But, how do we convince the complete unbelievers that they don't have to join a religion to receive the benefits of Akla's Wisdom?"

  "I think your incorporation with Anglana has fogged your awareness. You and every other Aklan uses action to spread your message. Conviction from observed action is much stronger than words alone, even when that action is the willingness to die for one's beliefs."

  "I know Akla loves you and is helping you."

  "I know I love Akla because He was the wisest person ever to live on the Worlds of Angi."

  "Anglana. Do you know of Akla?"

  Anglana remained quiet but didn't remain unresponsive.

  The plasma glow that was always present, to some degree, around her liquid form began to grow brighter and its colors became more distinct and formed a localized swirl that turned into a funnel of light that began to extend itself into the sky. It continued to grow until its distance from the planet rendered it invisible. Shortly after that, the glow surrounding the gas giant, Beli-Pallos, began to intensify. It became so intense that it caused objects to begin to faintly appear in the darkness.

  Morna began another thread in her analytical routines.

  Verluin and Delva began to dance.

  Anglana said: "All is one. Believe it or not. Only, in all your strivings, respect the possibilities of the potential of Oneness."

  Morna immediately communicated Anglana's words, which she could hear in Delva's mind, to the Worlds' Council. She appended a few words of her own: "Recommended that Anglana be considered for appointment to the Worlds' Council."

  9 ~ Names

  Industry and services on Anga-Param and Anla-Purum were in constant growth and flux. Local Councils approved what they deemed appropriate for their locality. They did consult with Regional Councils because they could overrule a Local Councils' decisions. The interplay between Regional and Territorial Council rulings was more complex and definitely became quite a challenge when the power of the Worlds' Council came into the equation.

  In spite of this multilayered oversight, the growth continued and the flux intensified. There was still room for the enterprising individual or group to find ways to use the various levels of regulation for their own purposes. One particularly favored method was to bide one's time with the actual set-up of a business until the proper people were in place on the Regional or Territorial Councils. The activity of covert politics was rampant. There were groups of people devoted to each level of the governmental structure whose employment was strictly the currying of influence with individuals who had a larger sphere of influence. Some, who had the leisure and wherewithal, estimated that twenty percent of all Local and Regional Council members were beholden to trade and service groups. Because of the closer tie between the Territorial and Worlds' Councils, the estimate was closer to ten percent.

  Trade and commerce regulations were overseen by boards appointed at each level of government and enforced by the appropriate level of Protective Force. In all the years since the formation of the current governmental structure, there had been only 98 instances of regulation by force, most infringements of law being settled by mediation. The Worlds' Council had yet to bring the Worlds' Protective Force into direct coercive action.

  Still, the best single word to describe the Worlds' economic activity was frenzy. And, this term was certainly most appropriate after settlement of Angla-Palli had begun.

  The first contingent of settlers had inhabited a portion of the land mass now called Surai, connected to the large peninsula that had been the first outpost for exploration. Three more voyages had brought settlers to three more land masses—Mero, Amar, and Ardros.

  There were now nearly 70,000 settlers on Angla-Palli and they were mostly involved in the export of various plant and mineral substan
ces. Delva and Morna had determined that any non-liquid form of Anglana's substance was perfectly safe for use on other Worlds. Naturally, the amount of these exports was strictly controlled by Anglana. Any attempt to export more than Anglana wished was met by atmospheric plasma stunning. The planet was inhabited by a protective force stronger and more rational than the other Worlds had at their disposal.

  Needless to say, Anglana also controlled any indigenous misuse of her planet's resources. If there were any settlers who had successfully fooled the rigorous selection process, they quickly were discovered, and, if their activity was egregious, banished from the planet.

  Anglana also controlled importation of goods. She had relied on Delva and Verluin and the other five who had incorporated with her to oversee the importation of service activities.

  Since the first group of five, who had now become another of Delva's Mediation Boards, only seventeen others had passed the testing. They were being considered as Territorial Council members but Anglana had yet to agree to complete alignment with the Worlds' Council.


  What had once been simulated recreational use of the Worlds' Mesh had evolved into a wealth of news, information, and study sub-Meshes. There was still a recreational Mesh but it was no longer used as a method of mass control.

  There were also Local, Regional, and Territorial Meshes and a completely isolated Mesh for the Worlds' Protective Force.

  People could have their own private Meshes but access had to be granted to the Territorial Councils' oversight. This particular point of law was the impetus for the formation of many groups of somewhat organized Independents and Dissatisfieds. It also spawned a definite increase in bootleg electro-plasma devices.